Create a Coupon
IMPORTANT: Once you have submitted your "Create a Coupon", we'll create a printable coupon that will include the verbiage of your special offer along with a digital image of your company logo. You MUST be an authorized contact for your company to participate in the "Create a Coupon" program. Each coupon submission requires a $10 fee before it can be added to the desired marketplace. That payment is Step 2 of the "Create a Coupon" experience.
Step 1: Registration and Coupon Information
Business (Authorizing Contact) Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Business:
Business Phone Number:
Business Web Site:
Coupon Code:
Coupon (Marketplace) Location:
Coupon Verbiage-Text: Be sure to include any applicable expiration date.
There currently is no limit how often you can re-submit new text for your company's offer.
IMPORTANT: Click here to indicate that you understand that each client company�s authorizing contact is fully responsible for the content he or she provides for publication on Dogleg Productions LLC's network of web sites. In addition, the authorizing contact is fully responsible for ensuring that Dogleg Productions LLC may legally use all content provided without infringing on the intellectual property rights of another organization. All clients agree that Dogleg reserves the right to use their company's image on all of Dogleg Productions LLC's network web sites for promotional purposes. For more information, please visit our "Legal" information page.