Plateau Pet Hub: LOST PET REPORT

Please fill out the form that follows and we'll post your pet as quickly as possible.

Human Contact Information:
Due to our privacy policy, all fields are optional.

First Name:          

Last Name:            



Please Indicate If We Can Include Your Contact Information
On Our Published Online "LOST PET" Report:



Your Pet's information:  IMPORTANT!: Only Your Pet's NAME & BREED, DESCRIPTION, and PICTURE will be posted online in the Plateau Pet Hub. All other information is strictly for the purpose of helping to find lost pets in the event that occurs.  Be sure to include any pictures and other helpful information about your pet!


Pet's Name:            

Dominant Breed:   

License #:              



Date Lost:             


Please enter a description of your pet.
Note - Outside of a basic description, you may want to include interesting tidbits about your pet such as
peculiar or entertaining habits, like & dislikes, etc.


IMPORTANT: If you would like to add a picture of your pet please email your digital image to after you have completed this form.

IMPORTANT: Click here to confirm that you are the authorizing contact for all content provided in this form. As the the authorizing contact, you are fully responsible for the content you have provided for publication on Dogleg Productions, LLC's network of "" web sites (,, etc.). In addition, the authorizing contact is fully responsible for ensuring that Dogleg Productions, LLC may legally use all content provided without infringing on the intellectual property rights of another organization. 




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